Call Today: (865) 982-3560



Research has shown that the typical home can lose 2,000 to 20,000 gallons of water per year due to leaks. While some leaks are obvious, such as dripping faucets and leaking water heaters, other leaks can go undetected for years because the source of the leak is not visible. You, the owner or renter, are responsible leaks from the meter to the home are customer responsibility. South Blount is responsible for leaks up to the meter.

In many cases, the first clue that there is a leak is an unusually high water bill. South Blount attempts to contact every customer with unusually high usage in an attempt to lessen the chance of a surprise high bill or excessive water loss.  If our meter readers notice that your meter is turning while performing your reading, we will try to make contact and inform you that there may be an issue that requires your attention.  We will make our best effort to work with you in the event of a leak or water emergency. If you have any concerns, please call our Customer Service Center at (865) 982-3560 and speak with a member of our staff.

• Our utility offers a once-a-year leak adjustment for each customer. Read our Leak Adjustment Policy to see if you qualify.  

• If you are a City of Maryville sewer customer, leak adjustments for sewer will follow the City of Maryville leak adjustment policy City of Maryville Leak Adjustment Policy.

• Although we read our meters with a high degree of accuracy, sometimes we make mistakes. If you suspect that we have misread the meter, please call our office at (865) 982-3560. We will gladly check the reading and make any necessary billing corrections.  

How can you determine if you have a leak in your home?

The most common leak being a toilet leak, a single "running" toilet can quietly waste over 1,000 gallons of water in a single day. Detecting leaks elsewhere in your plumbing system might reveal other sources of water loss. The best method of determining whether or not a leak exists is to take an actual water meter reading. This method checks the internal plumbing system for water leaks. Take a water meter reading just before going to bed, or when no one will use any water for several hours. Take another meter reading in the morning before any water is used, or after a few hours of non-usage. In theory, the two readings should be the same. If they are not, and you cannot account for use by a humidifier, ice cube maker, toilet flush, or water softener, you have a leak and further investigation is recommended.

There are videos posted on our YouTube page where you can see how to check different areas for leaks.

Follow these easy steps to investigate if you may have an "invisible leak."

1. Now that you have done a meter reading, and you suspect a water leak somewhere in your system that you can’t see. Begin by checking all your faucets for visible leaks.

2. Next, check the toilets for leaks by adding food coloring to the water in the tank. Do not flush. Wait for 15 minutes to see if the colored water appears in the toilet bowl. If it does, there is a leak. Repairing toilet leaks is normally inexpensive and easy to do. Replacement part kits are available at most hardware stores.

3. If there appears to be no leaks inside your home, and the meter is located outside, check for underground leaks. Turn off your main valve inside, then turn on a faucet to verify the valve is working. The water flow should stop completely.

4. Go back outside to the meter to see if it continues to run with the main valve off. If it does, there is a leak somewhere in your plumbing between the meter and the valve. After making repairs, repeat the meter reading procedure to verify that there are no more leaks.

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