Call Today: (865) 982-3560


In an effort to keep our customers more informed, we have started utilizing an outage map on our homepage of the website. We have started using this map and will also continue to send calls and post on Facebook and Instagram when we are notified of an outage in advance and as time permits. There are instances, such as main line leaks, when we are unable to notify customers prior to the outage but will update our map and social media pages once information becomes available.

Dates and times are listed below for important events that occur regularly each month.

Board of Commissioners Meeting: Held the first Tuesday of every month at 9:00 am, in the conference room located in our Customer Service Center. This meeting is open to the public.
***Scheduled changes to Commissioners Monthly Board Meetings will be published in the newspaper.

Cycle Due Dates:
5th of the month - Cycle 3
10th of the month - Cycle 4
15th of the month - Cycle 5 and Cycle 6
20th of the month - Cycle 1
30th of the month - Cycle 2

***If your due date falls on Saturday, your bill is due the previous Friday. If your due date falls on Sunday, your bill is due the following Monday.

Keep Informed about Your Utilities

Below you will find a few options to follow us. Following us you will you the latest news and updates from your South Blount County Utility District.
Also follow us on Facebook for the most up-to-date changes in your area.