Call Today: (865) 982-3560


Water Charges
The minimum bill for water is $21.04, tax included, a month. As of July 1, 2013 water will be billed at the rate of $5.96 per 1,000 gallons.
Past-Due Charges
South Blount Utility issues bills on a monthly basis. Net bill will apply if paid on or before date due shown on bill rendered. A late fee will apply if not paid on time. The late fee is calculated at 10% of the gross bill amount.

In the event it becomes necessary to disconnect service due to nonpayment, a $60.00 penalty will be added to your account. All outstanding balances, including late fees and penalties, must be paid in full before re-connection will be made. If your water has been disconnected due to nonpayment, payment must be received by 3:30 p.m., or service will not be turned back on until the following business day. Call the office to make sure payment is received, so your water service can be restored.

Scammers may call stating your bill is past due and try to take payment over the phone. They may ask for personal and debit/credit card information. We do send out courtesy phone calls when bills are past due, but they are automated phone calls. We do not ask for payment or personal information when those are sent out. Customers who have received a call like this or who have questions about their account, are asked to contact customer service at 865-982-3560.
Returned Checks
In the event a check is returned to our office for insufficient funds, an automatic fee of $17.00 is placed on your bill. If the returned check was issued to satisfy an account in disconnected status, there will be an additional $50.00 service fee applied to your account.

Any questions, objections, further explanations, or disputes concerning bills rendered by the District may be directed to our customer service staff by telephone or in person during office hours.
We are located at 320 Partnership Parkway, Maryville, TN 37801, and you may reach our office by calling (865) 982-3560.

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